No | Judul | Hash | Nama Author | Link Paper |
1 | Hybrid Electric Power Plant Using Wind Turbine Savonius Helix and Solar Cell as an Alternative Power Source in the Lightning Tower at Flashing Lights | 67USgFUu9eXAX8pJU5rZiigtdt9-PJYuMfx47sk0XZQ= | Aris Suryadi Purwandito Tulus Asmoro Ahmad Solihin | |
2 | Fortran Program Forecasting On Maternal Mortality In Type C Hospitals In East Java Based On Predominant Variables | -43sA1t_3Xth8eSBhw0tfK5J-hFZ7N-mfSHPbiAbWoI= | Sardjana Atmadja Gulam Gumilar | |
3 | Analysis of Warganet Comments on It Services in Mandiri Bank Using K-Nearest Neighbor (K-Nn) Algorithm Based on Itsm Criteria | 6oy7TXHlYgaSyXsk-uKdHL6YuIXHOHiFMgZzP2JZYwQ= | Febrian Wahyu Ramadhan Husni Teja Sukmana Lee Kyung Oh Luh Kesuma Wardhani | |
4 | The Application of RSA and LSB in Securing Message on Imagery | Jz-bPsy_mXTK-f85dNx_BsUkLkEZWOUEKb-TeBE4KLE= | Bob Subhan Riza Moh Yusoff Mashor Edy Victor Haryanto | |
5 | Design and Development of Population Service Administration System With Pieces Method in Kemiri Village Head Office Banten | _LmVvweD3x12HC8GF2ltGKFP2qTQNhiZpYLcR88ATQo= | Rosdiana Padeli Revi Sajidah Sri Handayni Rifky Alfian | |
6 | Strategies of Food Safety Program Improvement to Prevent Food Poisioning Outbreak at Oil & Gas Industrial City | RL7digaMKf7GGBJDKg_zRyKwKuBNsD7IpCj_DkganII= | Kholil Kohar Sulistyadi Subagja Arlan | |
7 | Application of Information Session Information System as Media Submission of Final Results Comprehensive Session | ZE1OnDROALE56bkmAAcB2TmXPnpr4lhc4R_jO7SIIZ8= | James Leonard Dian Maharani Damanik Oktika Gita Amrikhasanah | |
8 | Design and Implementation of Licensing Information Systems in the Outside of Employees at PT.Sintech Berkah Abadi | wuF4fqmgzVL623UD5U8ayI_uHuoTizA4N4IhkxbTntw= | Nike Nur Anisa Nur Azizah Yosa Auzadina | |
9 | Web-Based Logistic Demand Information System Design At Raharja University | 8uF6mupyGt5vPtWXqpfSvdUmoQeuMtQsRpNaiJHCZQA= | Dewi Nur Khasanah Siti Wulandari Rosmawati Dwi | |
10 | The Effect of Lecturer Professionalism and Teaching Motivation on Lecturers Strengthening the Nation’s Competitiveness (Survey on XYZ College Lecturers in Central Jakarta City). | Jaju4Y2TmpJGbJEvCreypgigr13rMKhrwrEOBV56njQ= | Ramdani Bayu Putra Fitri Yeni Hasmaynelis Fitri Diki Jasrizal Melta | |
11 | Update Health Policy Decision Making in Safe Motherhood Regional Issue | jQi6X00ipej_OhvgKHlZE7XWvvAOa1DLa7yYHWWQZr8= | Sardjana Atmadja Gulam Gumilar | |
12 | Balinese Script in Tattoo Media Commodity In Denpasar Bali | 1WgsdOUwftxS7bSIDMjf5zSi-GARnS3YK-zPz9LctkE= | I Nyoman Anom Fajaraditya Setiawan | |
13 | Challenges And Opportunities Of Blind Masseurs In Increasing Competency Through Implementation Business Standards Of Massage Parlor | cpanYoRLwjXh7xwtVo-xw99VS7LpgrfPumPKTwR-cSQ= | Ida Ayu Made Gayatri I Nengah Suriata | |
14 | Analysis of the Effect of Leadership And Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior With Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at Ubud Wana Resort, Gianyar | gF1pjK580woq-vXGRaMEkhiyctkKjTwYDuiq0q095IE= | Ni Luh Putu Devi Diary, Luh Putu Virra Indah Perdanawati Ade Maharini Adiandari Bagus Arya Wijaya | |
15 | The Implementation of Turbine Ventilator as an Alternative Power Plant | bmf1G07k6m2y0Rht7qk-KbKt9ywA9JpP0gwrSmHUVSE= | Aris Suryadi | |
16 | SAST & AHP in Determining The Best Strategy of Office Ergonomics Program Improvement to Prevent Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders At XYZ Company Qatar | ua0CWdSStgAxDA1zNh2jE2dRUn7JDcipmpLPvcZqAqk= | Gun Gun Kholil Kohar Sulistyadi |" |
17 | Visual Audio Communication Design on The Role of Information Technology on Student Life Style of Universitas Raharja | vohslfQOCA4NA1H97mXS8sz7v1bjAt9EDtsEDfvE0Po= | Wendy Andriyan Vidya Anesti | |
18 | Effectiveness of Featured Product of Rural Areas Program (Prukades) in Improving The Economy of Teluk Village Community Pandeglang Regency | 3LWMs2_zP--i-0_rOhRfBtMaMI03akpD-ygBEYGB0Us= | Rida Aulia Sukendar Ahmad Sururi | |
19 | Prototype of E-Office Administration Letter System In General Part of Government of Tangerang Regency | N15phQLypzS4w-NbtGA1dj5hrRh7wVFjCjlxY1hD2lE= | Ajay Supriadi Ahmad Cahyo Purnomo Wafah Fadilah | |
20 | Development Professionalism Strategy in Lecturers Improve The Competitiveness of The Nation Through The Development of Science And Technology | 9YgJXovaA-XQRRfXitpO8rzK4OTMuZLftB34dIoadYg= | Septi Fitri Meilana | |
21 | Total Quality Management Through Lecturer Assessment With Students to Improve Graduate Quality | ofRopseeA7u2kqzRgGx6KEZtjFlStraxhijmQAPsrCU= | Sutirna | |
22 | The Effect of Lecturer Professionalism And Teaching Motivation on Lecturers Strengthening The Nation's Competitiveness (Survey on XYZ College Lecturers in Central Jakarta City) | pc6NJ11tvx9KthROTVmGEhWj98piCMSWO-1UA4Zt1ec= | Khasanah | |
23 | Behaviour of User of Women Workers of Hero Supermarket Jakarta in Foster Family Pattern | BvrMGhLnhRU4rYF7VEgI2I_uqkfETBymmeBUFjV4XJg= | Nurhablisyah | |
24 | Drive Campaigns : "Anti-Sharing Images/Photographs Harassing Women on Instant Messaging Apps Phone Visiting” | wqOxzMA2kjhHyhw55RalFPngi_BfxuN-K2Ki9k-0M04= | Winny Gunarti Widya Wardani | |
25 | Design of Agricultural Motivation Media and Agricultural Industry in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period | XxlmjtVk3oc4thEp4Zw3HJj0_R2xfm3cjD1g7ddDI7U= | I Nyoman Anom Fajaraditya Setiawan I Nyoman Widhi Adnyana Putu Wirayudi Aditama3 | |
26 | Building a Professionalism a Lecturer Strengthening the Competitiveness of the Nation | kINBf6jqd9sPNNfJp-_Z6769kUVTCAC-fUkNNjfpGZI= | Putri Wahyu Novika | |
27 | The Optimization of Capacity Boiler Efficiency 26 Tons/Hours with Fuel Alumination and Statistical Product and Service Solutions (Spss) Analysis | xWkaMtYrX6b4y3t6kETqI-FYaWw4td8FUxcvNf_hQQ8= | Istianto Budhi Rahardja Masnia | |
28 | Regulation of Copyright Certificate as a Material Guarantee and Bankrupt Estate/Beodel in Indonesia | vpa-MyDNtXoEbgMtSfgwrHDcJxffcLkqjzXkW60XjuQ= | Ni Luh Putu Geney Sri Kusuma Dewi Putu Eka Trisna Dewi Ni Putu Riyani Kartika Sari | |
29 | Effort to Improve Elementary Students Interest on Music Subject With “Learning by Doing” Method Class (Case Studies of School Curriculum in Music Education) | 2gGHgEh_gGNJvPM22tHgXBsGnREpFqz6Ga_jdeYsKSc= | Dani Nur Saputra | |
30 | Web-based Classification Information System for Web-based at PT. Sintech Berkah Abadi | Q4HHQBmMxavOdIfp1IjsO9SZWPVwxm4kBxmX4U9Qq6A= | Sri Rahayu Haris Yeni Candrah | |
31 | The Design of Web-Based Training Management Information System at PT Sintech Berkah Abadi | kVDHOdhPsw6sQDUOsnq1j3q-cYF5oikYNgDWX8yUPpo= | Maimunah Haris Nurul Priliasari | |
32 | Factors Influencing MCI Preparedness of Paramedic in XYZ Industrial City | 8GbB_rD01VTXwbkB7vC6NcfJErwYDmvEj1uyF3gtL-k= | Kohar Sulistyadi Soehatman Ramli Saiful Uddin | |
33 | Blockchain-based Land Certificate Management in Indonesia | 2CYhaZ5fZmRq7bJAJUqS-A9Go15wZeocvsXC24e617E= | Rosiyati MH Thamrin Eka Purnama Harahap Alfiah Khoirunisa Adam Faturahman Kenita Zelina | |
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